If you’re interested in the history of Contra video games, this article is for you. Read on to learn more about the story behind the game and discover which Gaming Systems this classic title was released on. We also cover how many Contra games have been made. In addition to the history of the game itself, we discuss which Contra versions have been released. In addition, we discuss what these games have in common and how they differ from one another.

Contra Video Game History
In its original arcade version, Contra was known as Gryzor. However, censorship policies in Germany required a change in graphics. This resulted in the game’s name being changed to “Probotector,” which was a combination of the words protector and robot. The game was also renamed from Contra to Probotector after its German release, as the title was not politically correct. The game’s enemies and player characters were remade as robots, giving the game its current name.
The original Contra was a highly successful arcade game that was ported to home consoles in 1988. It was improved for the NES and Famicom and received universal critical acclaim. Later versions were released for the Super NES and Mega Drive, but the Contra name and characters were retained throughout Europe. In addition to the original version, a sequel to Contra was created, called Contra 3D. Regardless of the game’s genesis, Contra continues to have a very positive influence on video game history.
What is the Story Behind Contra?
What is the story behind Contra? It is a video game about the Cold War and a political satire of the Reagan Doctrine and Cold War rhetoric. Contra is the story of a group of Nicaraguan soldiers created during the Cold War to fight the Sandinistas, the country’s socialist political party. The goal was to overthrow the right-wing puppet dictator Somoza. But as a game, Contra is far from realistic.
The plot of Contra begins in the distant future of 2633 A.D., in which an alien group known as the Red Falcon Organization has set up a base in the fictional Galuga archipelago, near New Zealand, to wipe out humanity. The Earth Marine Corps has formed an elite guerrilla fighting unit called Contra, and Bill Rizer and Lance Bean are sent to the island to stop the Red Falcons and uncover an alien entity.
What Gaming System is Contra Played On?
What gaming system is Contra played on? This fast-paced, action-packed video game started as a single player arcade game in 1987. Since then, it has been ported to various consoles. Contra’s success led to multiple sequels and spin-offs. In addition to its arcade release, the game has been released for the NES, the PlayStation, the Nintendo DS, and the Game Boy Advance.
The arcade version of Contra introduced top-down stages and three-dimensional graphics. It also had upgradable weapons and a jump-height control system. In North America, the game was renamed Super C, which introduced three new stages and a new final boss. It was also ported to the NES, the Amiga, and the DOS. In Europe, the game was renamed Probotector II.
How many Contra games have there been?
There are multiple Contra games, ranging from the original NES version to the latest versions. Contra III: Alien Wars is considered by many to be the best of the series. It is the first game to be released for the 16-bit system, utilizing the technology perfectly while providing the ultimate Contra experience. It contains some of the best levels, boss fights, and introduction levels in video game history. What makes Contra such a classic?
There are a few different versions of the game, including a PSX edition, and a PC edition. The original NES game was one of the first video games to feature pixelated blood, but the PSX version was free of such rules. In 2002, Konami of America announced that they were working on a new Contra game. The game was to include online multiplayer. The game would have had several levels and three main areas.
Contra Video Game Summary
Contra is a video game that was popular with gamers when it was first released. Its unique gameplay featured two players working together, a novelty for the video game industry at the time. The game was inspired by three different action movies, primarily the Alien series, and drew inspiration from the physical design of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. Contra was a critical success, and even had an anime remake in the works.
Though the game was released in 1987, the title of the game is not the same as the original title, which is kontora in Japanese. While this sounds like the word contra in English, it is not a’real-world’ translation, and was chosen purely because of its sound. The original Japanese title, however, was actually “Gryzor” in English. The game has had several different versions, each with slightly different meanings.